TikTok Advertising – Make Tiktoks not Ads. Get Fastest Reach with Creative Videos

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Connecting Brands Today with Consumers of Tomorrow

TikTok Advertising – Everything you need to know about New Popular Social Media

Reach diverse audiences around the world through TikTok Ads. Create Engaging and interactive formats for your brand story

TikTok is a short video-sharing application now has quickly risen to the top. It has more than 1 billion users and people spend more time on this platform. Tiktok is hugely popular in UAE. Companies who want to advertise on Tiktok are interested because of its popularity and the long hours spent watching short videos on Tiktok. It is similar to Snapchat & Instagram.

What is TikTok?

Tiktok was formally Musical.ly which was used to lip-sync on different music and make videos. Now there are different kinds of videos being made by more talented users too. Unlike Instagram, there is no need to follow anyone on Tiktok. You can start watching interesting videos or by hashtags.

TikTok videos are 15-seconds long. To make longer videos, make the 4 video stories together to make them 60 seconds long too. If you have more than 1000 followers you can publish longer videos.

TikTok Advertising

Tiktok is not for all specially B2B companies. If your target audience is younger people then it’s a wise investment. You also need to invest in great short video creatives. Tiktok also has an inbuild Video Creation Kit. This provides video and image templates to customize the ad using existing images. Over 300 free background music templates to choose from for your ad and make it much more interesting.

tiktok advertising dubai campaign

Tik Tok Advertising Budget

Tiktok advertising cost starts from around $10 CPM and goes higher. A minimum budget of $500 is needed to advertise here. Tiktok ads are still evolving. It’s not open for all and small advertisers will need to get preapproved before starting their TikTok advertising campaigns. Big brands with high budgets are the ones who are currently running ads on Tiktok. It’s unique and works well for brand awareness.

Tik Tok Advertising Campaign

Tiktok Advertising Goal: Conversion, Click, or Impression, and your bidding will be optimized based on the goal you select. They also have the ad pixel which can be placed on your website for tracking. Tiktok Ad placement options include Tiktok, newsfeed, and the audience network. Tiktok advertising options also include age, gender, location, interests, connection type, and devices.

TikTok Ad Types

  • Brand Takeovers:

Brand Takeover ads are the ads that pop up right after a user opens TikTok. Takeovers include external or internal links which can either redirect a user to other accounts or TikTok videos, or a website on the internet. Only one advertiser per day can use this type of ad on TikTok.

  • Native Video Ads:

Native video ads are placed either at the bottom of a TikTok video or are put in between the video queue. These ads will be direct to websites or apps. Native video ads are more affordable than Brand takeover ads.

  • Video Challenges with hashtags:

TikTok’s marketing team teams up with you and generates a unique hashtag challenge for you, encouraging the users to participate in the challenge by making relevant Tiktok videos and using your hashtag under it. See TikTok case studies example

tiktok advertising hashtag challenge
  • Branded Filters and Lenses:

TikTok also offers branded filters and Lenses similar to those AR filters on Snapchat and Instagram. Your brand can have its own filters giving users news face filters, 3D objects, and more to users. This format can get popular and get lots of engagement. Users would use these filters or lenses on their TikTok videos, and this way, you’ll be shown to more and more people on the platform. Looking for Tiktok Advertising in Dubai?

Use Tiktok Videos to tell your story in the fastest way. 

Also, learn how to get more Instagram followers

We are Tiktok Advertising Agency in Dubai. You can talk to us for your next TikTok Marketing campaign. Make sure to have a good creative for people to respond. Else people don’t stick around. Social Media Marketing is what we do. Talk to us for Tiktok Ads in Dubai or UAE,

TikTok Advertising - Make Tiktoks not Ads. Get Fastest Reach with Creative Videos
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TikTok Advertising - Make Tiktoks not Ads. Get Fastest Reach with Creative Videos
Tiktok Advertising Objectives: Conversion, Click, Impressions. Minimum budget starts from $500 with ad placements and ad types. Talk to us.
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Leads Dubai
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Mukesh Pandey is a Digital Marketing Strategist. Passionate about Digital Marketing and the trends in the industry for 10 years. He is Google Ads Certified, Social Media Ads Manager & SEO Consultant. He has trained over 500 executives & business owners over the years. Helped over 300 companies achieve their digital marketing results. He also founded Leads Dubai which is a Lead Generation Company in Dubai. Hire Mukesh for your Marketing Campaign

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