New approaches for conversion attribution in your marketing efforts

Difficulties and approaches for attributing conversions to marketing efforts.

All About Conversion Attribution and why it matters

Digital marketing measurement happens through conversion tracking. Attribution is a process of determining the value of each touchpoint a customer has with a brand. Leading up to a purchase or other desired action. Attribution is essential for marketers to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns and make informed decisions about where to invest their marketing budget.

However, attribution modeling presents a number of challenges for marketers, from properly valuing each touchpoint to choosing the right attribution model. In this article, we will explore some of the challenges and models of conversion attribution in marketing and how to solve them.

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Challenges of Conversion Attribution in Marketing:

  1. Multi-Channel Attribution: Customers interact with brands across multiple touchpoints, such as social media, email, display ads, and search engines. This makes it difficult to determine the exact role of each channel in the conversion process. A customer may see an ad on social media, click a display ad, then search for the product on Google before finally making a purchase. Multi-channel attribution models are designed to provide insights into which channels played a role in the conversion.
  2. Cross-Device Attribution: Customers use different devices to interact with brands, such as mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. This makes it difficult to track the customer journey across devices. For example, a customer may see an ad on their mobile phone, then switch to their desktop to make a purchase. Cross-device attribution models can help bridge this gap by tracking customer interactions across multiple devices.
  3. Cross-Device Attribution: Customers use different devices to interact with brands, such as mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. This makes it difficult to track the customer journey across devices. For example, a customer may see an ad on their mobile phone, then switch to their desktop to make a purchase. Cross-device attribution models can help bridge this gap by tracking customer interactions across multiple devices.
  4. Data Quality: Attribution modeling requires accurate data to be effective. This means having data that is consistent, reliable, and up-to-date. Data quality issues, such as missing data or inaccurate tracking, can lead to inaccurate attribution and a misallocation of marketing budget.
  5. Choosing the Right Attribution Model: There is no one-size-fits-all attribution model. Different models may work better for different industries or types of campaigns. Choosing the right model depends on the business goals and the type of customer journey being analyzed.

Models of Conversion Attribution in Marketing:

  1. First Touch Attribution: This model attributes 100% of the conversion value to the first touchpoint a customer has with a brand. This model is useful for campaigns that aim to increase brand awareness and reach new customers.
  2. Last Touch Attribution: This model attributes 100% of the conversion value to the last touchpoint a customer has with a brand. This model is useful for campaigns that aim to drive sales and conversions.
  3. Linear Attribution: This model attributes equal value to each touchpoint a customer has with a brand. This model is useful for campaigns that aim to provide a consistent brand experience across multiple touchpoints.
  4. Time Decay Attribution: This model gives more weight to touchpoints that occur closer to the conversion event, while giving less weight to touchpoints that occurred earlier in the customer journey. This model is useful for campaigns where the customer journey is relatively short.
  5. Position-Based Attribution: This model gives more weight to the first and last touchpoints a customer has with a brand, while giving less weight to the touchpoints in between. This model is useful for campaigns where the first and last touchpoints are the most influential in the customer’s decision-making process.Conversion Attribution

Solutions for Conversion Attribution in Marketing:

  1. Develop a Clear Attribution Strategy: A clear attribution strategy is essential for accurate attribution. This strategy should take into account the business goals, the customer journey, and the types of campaigns being run.
  2. Use Multi-Touch Attribution Models: Multi-touch attribution models provide a more complete picture of the customer journey and can help determine the role of each touchpoint in the conversion process. Using these models can help marketers better understand which channels are driving conversions and which ones need to be optimized.
  3. Utilize Cross-Device Tracking: Cross-device tracking can help bridge the gap between customer interactions on different devices. This can help provide a more accurate view of the customer journey and provide insights into the role of each touchpoint in the conversion process.
  4. Test and Optimize Attribution Models: No single attribution model is perfect for all campaigns. Marketers should test and optimize their attribution models to ensure that they are accurately reflecting the customer journey and providing insights that can inform marketing strategy.

News Flash:

Google will soon retire four rules-based attribution models in Google Ads and Google Analytics:

  • First-click.
  • Linear.
  • Time decay.
  • Position-based.


Conversion attribution is a critical part of any marketing strategy. By understanding the challenges and models of conversion attribution in marketing, marketers can make more informed decisions about where to invest their marketing budget and optimize their campaigns for maximum effectiveness. Proper attribution requires a clear strategy, accurate data, and the use of multi-touch attribution models and cross-device tracking. Read about the future of marketing agencies 

All About Conversion Attribution and why it matters
Article Name
All About Conversion Attribution and why it matters
In digital marketing, conversion attribution is the process of determining the value of each touchpoint a customer has with a brand, leading up to a purchase or other desired action. Proper attribution is essential for marketers to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns and make informed decisions about where to invest their marketing budget. However, attribution modeling presents a number of challenges for marketers, from properly valuing each touchpoint to choosing the right attribution model. In this article, we will explore some of the challenges and models of conversion attribution in marketing and how to solve them.

The author is a digital marketing specialist who has 7+ years of experience in the same field. With expertise skills and experience she aim to assist clients in best and possible ways to help and bring client goals a life! She loves to read and write about new updates on marketing to enhance knowledge and skills.

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